About Management Resources
We know our market because we are our market.
Our Small Business Practice Serves:
Our coaches and project leaders provide knowledgeable and caring guidance, support, and structure to deliver results in the strategically most important areas of a CEO’s or business owner’s life: The business, The work you wish you were doing vs. the work you feel stuck doing, and Your other personal goals.
If you’re like many of our clients, you already run a successful business. You and the business great at many things - either producing or delivering a product or service, or selling it. But that doesn’t guarantee you’re great at (or even have the time for) other things that go with it, like managing growth and change, hiring and managing employees, or keeping your workload to a level that doesn’t overload you. And hey, it can be lonely at the top.
That’s where we come in. Management Resources coaches and consultants provide knowledgeable and caring guidance, support, and structure to powerfully deliver results in the strategically most important areas of a CEO’s or business owner’s life: The business, The work you wish you were doing vs. the work you feel stuck doing, and Your other personal goals.
Know us by What We Deliver:
We get the right things on and off your plate to free you to do the work you wish you were doing (and that the business needs you to do).
We ensure you have a great team around you to do the work you give away - and that you get the most from them.
We help you achieve the objectives important to you in the three, interrelated domains of a business owner's or leader’s world: your business, your work, and the rest of your life.
Know us by Who We Are:
We are entrepreneurs, business owners, members of family businesses, and people who love to train and guide others in business and leadership.
We are proud to be a founding B Corporation (“social purpose” and for-profit) and a leader in the socially responsible business movement.
Know us by What We Do: Business and leadership coaching, usually with the owner, a partner or other senior decision maker, and sometimes to their teams. Management and organizational projects that improve strategic and operational performance. We help clients take the steps to get to, and effectively manage their business at, the next level.
Know us by Who Our Clients Are:
Already established, small to mid-size businesses of all kinds, stages, and industries.
Our clients have received more than 125 awards from Inc. Magazine, Ernst & Young, and others as America’s fastest growing businesses, located nationwide (Inc. 500) or in a distressed inner city neighborhood (the Inner City 100).
Many of our clients are Social Venture Network (SVN), BALLE, B Corporations, LOHAS, and other mission-driven businesses.
Family businesses and partnerships.
We also serve:
- Visionaries to help articulate and implement their vision
- Executives, managers, and other professionals to help them optimize their performance and fulfillment
- People re-evaluating or shifting their career
Small Business Practice
(versus MOS Upgrade Practice)
Our coaches and project leaders provide knowledgeable and caring guidance, support, and structure to deliver results in the strategically most important areas of a CEO’s or business owner’s life: The business, The work you wish you were doing vs. the work you feel stuck doing, and Your other personal goals.